Political Consulting for Conservatives Who Want to Win

JFT Consulting is a small, family-operated consulting firm. This is not because we lack the experience or the opportunities to work with bigger firms - been there, done that. What we strive to accomplish for our clients is to craft a campaign strategy that leads to victory without the red tape and convoluted advice from a firm where you are just another number, another small-time client near the bottom of some list.

We see the world differently than most in Washington today. We believe that restoring this country to a place where the individual family can live, thrive, and grow is the only way to restore our once-great Republic. And we support candidates and pursue policy that have that end goal in mind.

Our Constitution should be the guiding document for our government in order to enshrine and protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all American citizens, yet it seems most of our elected officials have never read our founding document.

We want to help you instill family values back into this country; we want to show you how to win as a Constitutional conservative at every level; and we want to build local governments and administrations that would make Jefferson proud.

The votes are out there - people are sick of the nanny state. Let’s get out there, rally the troops, and kick some leftist ass.

John Tate
Founder & President